The United States and Europe are becoming more aligned on competition policy, with the European Commission’s Antitrust Directorate-General (DG) signaling its intention to deepen cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

The high pay lots of openings no applicants wsj is an article discussing the U.S. Competition Policy and how it has been aligning with Europe, and deeper cooperation could follow.

Despite a wider policy reorientation under the Biden administration, the European Union’s chief antitrust regulator expects more convergence with the US on competition enforcement, especially in the internet sector.

The EU’s competition commissioner, Margrethe Vestager, said she anticipates “far more intensive cooperation when it comes to technology and the digital market” between her team and Washington.

President Biden’s policy pronouncements and appointments, as well as legislative proposals from Congress, show that the United States is getting closer to EU views on internet behemoths, pharmaceutical companies, and other sectors with declining competition.

The United States and the European Union, as the world’s two most powerful antitrust authorities, can define global competition discourse and rein in many of the world’s biggest corporations, thus increased collaboration may have a major effect.

It would “certainly be a match made in heaven” for advocates of tough enforcement, according to Jeffrey Jacobovitz, an antitrust lawyer with Arnall Golden Gregory LLP in Washington. “I believe they will collaborate. Enforcement becomes more effective when there is more coordination.”

According to Mr. Jacobovitz, this alignment will make it even more important for businesses in the sights to create broad, cross-Atlantic strategy for responding to the scrutiny.

While internet firms argue that having comparable rules in various countries helps streamline operations, others are concerned that the United States would adopt some of Europe’s more severe laws.

“The United States should be cautious of adopting EU-style experimental regulation,” said Christian Borggreen, vice president and head of the Computer & Communications Industry Association’s Brussels office, which represents firms such as, Facebook, and Google. “As a pioneer in technological innovation, the United States stands to lose a lot more if they get it wrong.”

Mr. Biden’s appointments of high-profile US progressives who have criticized tech giants, such as Lina Khan to lead the Federal Trade Commission and Tim Wu to lead the White House Economic Council, have been widely interpreted as indicating that Mr. Biden intends to increase the pressure on internet conglomerates. Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc., and Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, have historically faced minimal criticism from Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, who opposed earlier EU attempts to restrict U.S. tech firms.

On July 2, Ms. Vestager had a videoconference meeting with Ms. Khan. Mr. Biden has yet to designate someone to head the Justice Department’s antitrust enforcement. That nomination may reveal more about his administration’s strategy.


EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager has voiced worry about pharmaceutical agreements, in addition to the IT industry.

Associated Press photo

Parallel to this, House Democrats have proposed a package of measures with bipartisan backing that target anticompetitive actions by major internet firms. Amazon and other major internet firms may be broken up, or at the very least shrunk, as a result of the proposed law.

Proposed antitrust legislation in New York state may go much farther, prohibiting businesses from abusing a dominating market position—a restriction fundamental to EU competition law, which is considerably tougher than federal antitrust regulations in the United States.

Mr. Biden signed an executive order last week aimed at limiting the dominance of corporations that dominate their marketplaces throughout the United States.

Officials on both continents have encountered enforcement difficulties in restricting the operations of digital behemoths, prompting a scramble for new legislative measures. According to opponents such as consumer groups and several smaller rivals, Ms. Vestager has levied billions of dollars in fines on US IT giants but had little effect on their power to dominate markets.

In the United States, a federal court rejected charges filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and most states against Facebook last month, but the FTC is likely to try again with an updated complaint.

“I think there is a broader agreement that competition enforcement has not always delivered on its promise,” said Ariel Ezrachi, head of the Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy at the University of Oxford. According to him, the new US strategy is a “true seismic change.”


What effect would more antitrust alignment between the US and the EU have on antitrust regulation? Participate in the discussion below.

In an indication of the new alignment, the US and EU announced the formation of a Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialog alongside their new EU-US Trade and Technology Council during Mr. Biden’s visit to Brussels last month.

Enforcement strategies that are coordinated go beyond technology. In March, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced the creation of an international working group to exchange best practices on pharmaceutical mergers, which would include competition enforcers from the EU, the United Kingdom, Canada, and numerous US states. Ms. Vestager, who has expressed worry about transactions in the industry, praised the FTC’s effort, which was announced before Ms. Khan entered office.

The FTC recently used an EU antitrust investigation of Illumina Inc.’s proposed purchase of Grail Inc. to persuade a judge to deny the businesses’ request for a speedy U.S. court hearing.

Given their distinct markets and regulations, enforcement in the United States and Europe will not always coincide. The planned combination of insurance brokers Aon PLC and Willis Towers Watson PLC, for example, received EU clearance last week despite a Justice Department lawsuit in the United States.

According to authorities on both sides of the Atlantic, the EU and European national competition regulators already collaborate extensively with the Justice Department, the Federal Trade Commission, and states in the United States. Cooperation has grown in recent years, even despite wider US-EU tensions under former President Donald Trump, as US authorities started prosecuting the EU’s long-time targets like Google and Facebook.

In an interview, Ms. Vestager said that transatlantic collaboration “becomes clearly much more intensive when both the DOJ and the FTC have their own tech cases.” In certain instances, authorities compel targeted businesses to provide exemptions in exchange for cooperation. With waivers, case teams meet in seminars or on weekly calls to review their work, becoming “really detailed and concrete,” according to Ms. Vestager.

Under Ms. Vestager’s leadership, EU Competition Commission Director-General Olivier Guersent, the most senior antitrust regulator, said his staff assisted state and federal colleagues in the United States on the cases they launched last year.

“When the Department of Justice chose to relocate, we highlighted the pitfalls and issues we encountered so they could profit from our experience and save time,” Mr. Guersent said.

According to Mr. Guersent, the decreasing gap in methods is overcoming “some deeply entrenched philosophical disagreements.” He claims that the United States has historically depended on market forces—such as the emergence of upstarts—to rein in businesses with excessive competitive strength.

He attributed the discrepancy to culture, saying, “We’re less confident [so] we tend to be more interventionist.” “The issue is how long you are willing to accept a loss of consumer welfare as a result of excessive market power.”

“In a sense, the danger has gotten too large by American standards as well,” Mr. Guersent said, “and that’s why, in my opinion, we’re converging.”

Daniel Michaels and Brent Kendall may be reached at [email protected] and [email protected], respectively.

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The wsj degrees that pay you back is a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal. It discusses how U.S. Competition Policy is aligning with Europe, and deeper cooperation could follow.

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