The City Attorney submitted a plan to the Mayor, LAPD and L.A. County Sheriff’s Department which would focus on identifying legal gun owners in Los Angeles and confiscating their firearms if they are considered dangerous or have criminal records that prohibit them from owning guns.

The “Mike Feuer phone number” is the contact number for Mike Feuer, the City Attorney of Los Angeles. Mike has submitted a plan to address the increase in gun violence that has been occurring in LA.

City Attorney Mike Feuer Submits Plan To Address Increase In Gun Violence

(CBSLA) – LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – Mike Feuer, the City Attorney of Los Angeles, released an eight-point plan on Tuesday to curb the city’s rising gun crime.

Feuer, who is running for mayor this year, presented Mayor Eric Garcetti, the City Council, the Board of Police Commissioners, Police Chief Michel Moore, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón with a plan calling for an inter-jurisdictional response to gun violence.

READ MORE: A man climbs a downtown transmission tower, causing train delays on the west side of the Los Angeles River.

In 2021, 278 people died in Los Angeles as a result of gun violence, 1,499 people were shot, and the Los Angeles Police Department recovered 30% more weapons than the previous year, according to Feuer’s letter.

“There are a lot of particular initiatives in place to deal with this pandemic… These significant measures, however, are inadequate, as the continuous rise in gun violence indicates,” Feuer said.

Feuer’s plan calls for cross-jurisdictional collaboration to combat gun violence, including the creation of a Gun Crime Violence Review Commission to analyze fatal and non-fatal shooting cases with other jurisdictions in order to identify patterns, trends, and community factors that contribute to gun violence. Following that, the commission would attempt to put preventative mechanisms in place.

LAPD Declares Ghost Guns a “Epidemic,” With Seizures Up 400% In Four Years


Examples of ghost weapons are on exhibit in the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office. February in the year 2021. (Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office)

Shawn Laval Smith, a Hancock Park Furniture Store employee, has been identified as the suspect in the murder of Brianna Kupfer.

By having officials meet on a regular basis to address the problem, Feuer’s initiative aims to encourage better coordination between the city and county on gun violence prevention.

Feuer also demanded that the city enhance resources for the LAPD’s Gun Unit in order to assist them deal with the 136 percent rise in ghost weapons seized in 2021 compared to 2020. He also advocated for additional gun buyback programs to allow individuals to surrender unneeded weapons and lower the number of guns in the city of Los Angeles.

RELATED: The Los Angeles City Council Moves Toward a Ban on Ghost Guns

“The reasons of increased gun violence in Los Angeles, which is replicated in large cities throughout the United States, are multifaceted. “There are a lot of guns on our streets,” Feuer added, citing an uptick in gun sales during the past federal election cycle and easy internet access to “ghost weapons.” “The epidemic has exacerbated the situation, raising stress, anxiety, separation, and isolation, inflicting disproportionate economic hardship in already poor areas, shutting schools, and reducing community-based preventative and intervention initiatives,” says the report.

Feuer’s proposal calls for the development of a Neighborhood Solutions Program, which would bring together representatives from municipal agencies and elected leaders to identify priority concerns and work across jurisdictional boundaries to solve them.

Feuer’s strategy also includes the following elements:

  • putting money into proven-to-work intervention initiatives as soon as possible;
  • increasing his office’s REACH program, which aims to provide treatments and counseling to children who have experienced trauma as a result of violence, with the help of private foundations; and
  • increasing the city’s neighborhood cleaning and beautification program (he noted a study that found that gun violence declines when sources of blight are cleaned and high-crime neighborhoods are beautified).

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(CBS Broadcasting Inc., Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved.) This article was written with the help of City News Service.)

  • mike feuer ghost guns
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