With a handicap of 30, Los Angeles’ George Halawa admits he’s not the best golfer in the world. But he loves the sport and last year launched Double Bogey Club, a golf-inspired clothing brand. So far he has released hats and caps with the logo. In the coming months, he will offer clothing similar to nylon anoraks, which he says are part of the streetwear trend. Sir, I want to thank you for your support. Halawa’s golfing style reflects a modern and humorous approach: he often takes to the course in a polo shirt and sweatpants.


What is your favorite outfit to wear on the golf course? Join the discussion below.

Like a number of eye-catching brands, Double Bogey Club takes golf fashion out of its clichés. These labels, including Devereux in Arizona, Whim Golf in Chicago, Metalwood Studio in California, and Bogey Boys in Seattle, offer both streetwear and stylish clothing. In particular, outerwear and logo sweatshirts in solid colours are comfortably combined with retro vests and pressed trousers reminiscent of the style of mid-career champions such as Gary Player, Arnold Palmer and Chi-Chi Rodriguez.

Arnold Palmer competes in the 1971 Skibroek Championship.


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Spearheading this update is Malbon Golf, a Los Angeles-based company that launched in 2017 and was co-founded by Erica and Steven Malbon. Malbon, who founded the independent media company Frank151, and his wife noticed that like-minded retired skateboarders and dynamic media products were discovering golf. Mrs Malbon then said: There wasn’t really a brand that catered to people who were interested in golf, but also liked sneakers, fashion or music. A Malbon Golf logo sweatshirt, champion mesh shorts and rugby style jerseys drew a crowd.

In the years before Malbon, golf clothing evolved into something elegant and sporty. In the early 90s, lethargic khakis like John Daly won tournaments. But when the affair of King Tiger Woods and his competitors began to elevate their game, the look changed. Sir, I want to thank you for your support. Woods began collecting trophies in Nike T-shirts with a biceps and neck pop. And in the early 2000s, country club stores were selling moisture-wicking polos and pants. For a Sunday golfer, the emphasis on athleticism was over the top. You don’t want to look like a PGA Tour professional if you don’t play like one, said Drew Westphal, 33, a social media consultant and longtime golfer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Retro polo shirt from Malbon, a streetwear label from Los Angeles.



Mr. Westphal is one of many young golfers impressed by the fashionable style of the old guard of the 1960s, such as Mr. Palmer and Mr. Player. They would wear a nice vest, long-sleeved shirt and pleated pants, Westphal said. Today he takes to the field in a Uniqlo stretch polo shirt and stylish trousers. He often finishes his outfit with a hat from Public Drip or a tie-dyed shirt from Online Ceramics, adopting a modern and heterogeneous style.

Tiger Woods celebrates his victory at the 2005 Masters in a stretched T-shirt.


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However, many high-end brands fully embody the traditional-digital aspect. Whim Golf, a Chicago-based brand, sells tapered pants in one layer and zippered polo shirts in pastel colors. Founders Will Gisel and Colin Heaberg – friends and golf enthusiasts – were inspired in part by golfers in the 1960s who shot 18s on things they could wear to dinner, Gisel said. Fantasy has entered the wider fashion sector with its golf-inspired, but not performance-oriented clothing. It is sold in stores like C.H.C.M. in New York and Notre Shop in Chicago. The founders believe that half of their customers don’t golf at all.

Perhaps Bogey Boys, founded by Grammy Award-winning rapper Macklemore, is the brand best positioned to transcend the insular world of golf and reach mainstream sales. Benjamin Haggerty, a resident, was bitten by the golf bug in 2018 and now plays up to four days a week. His style, of course, is crazy enough to take on Bill Murray’s character, Caddyshack. He participated in the 2021 AT&T Every Shot Counts Charity Challenge at Pebble Beach, wearing a plaid jacket and pants over a leopard patterned vest. In an interview, Macklemore said that his fashion sense is a little more extreme than the average golfer’s and that he picks a few pieces from his own wardrobe to make clothes for the bogey boys.

Devereux sweatshirt from Arizona.



To get ideas for the line, Macklemore bought old Golf Digest magazines from the 60s, 70s and 80s. The result: Retro shades in the form of a baby blue striped vest, emerald green trousers and a windbreaker with a V-neck and zipped sleeves.

It’s a liberal, even fun, approach to golf style that brands like Bogey Boys and Whim have used to appeal to golfers as Jacob Suarez, 27, a PGA-certified instructor in Phoenix. Growing up, Suarez hated the khaki and polo dress code imposed by many golf clubs. He’d rather put on his skate shoes and jeans. He believed that conforming dress codes kept players like him – young men who are not white – off the field. Today, many golf courses have relaxed their codes, just as emerging brands are evolving in golf fashion. In many clubs, the balaclava is now as common as the pressed polo shirt. Mr. Suarez regularly plays with Patagonia pillowcases, Dickies pants and Jordan sneakers. said Mr. Suarez: Golf apparel is everything you wear when you play golf. No special code is required.

The Wall Street Journal is not compensated by the retailers who sell merchandise in its articles. Listed retail outlets are often not the only outlets.

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