OnPassive is a multilevel marketing company that claims to be powered by artificial intelligence. However, the product or service is of poor quality. This company also requires a large upfront payment, which I cannot afford. Furthermore, there are many negative reviews of the product or service that I have seen.

OnPassive is a multi-level marketing company

OnPassive is a multi-level-marketing company that claims to use artificial intelligence to boost profitability. However, the company’s claim is simply not true. This company is a scam. It is a fake company and is not registered in India. Its website claims it is registered in Hyderabad, India, but this is not true.

It claims to be powered by artificial intelligence

OnPassivebusiness is an internet marketing company that claims to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate business processes and make it easier for people to earn money. It has an affiliate program and pays its members to recruit others. This is an easy way for the company to promote itself without having to spend millions of dollars on marketing. The company’s claims that it is powered by AI are quite vague and there is no evidence to back up these claims.

It has a 3×10 matrix business structure

If you are considering an online business opportunity, you may want to look into the OnPassive business structure. This 3×10 matrix structure consists of four cells, and affiliates can sell memberships to earn regular commissions. Members have four levels of commissions and pay a subscription fee to be part of the system.

It has no product or service

OnPassive Business is a network marketing opportunity that uses automated advertising to generate sales. It offers a variety of products and services geared toward small and large businesses. Its products have helped governments, schools, and the military grow. The company also provides technical know-how and communication tools that are crucial for success.

It pays its founders in multiple ways

OnPassive is an online business that pays its founders in multiple ways. Its matrix script works by paying each affiliate a fee to join, and in return, they get paid to recruit others to join. In its first two and a half years of operation, the company claims to have paid its affiliates a total of $33,759,000. If this is the case, then the company has done a stellar job securing the future of its founders.

It has a pyramid scheme structure

The OnPassive business model is based on affiliate membership. Affiliates can sell memberships for a monthly fee and then earn a commission from each sale. Affiliates have four levels to choose from. In order to join the program, affiliates must pay a monthly subscription fee and purchase a position in the matrix. This structure is very similar to that of a pyramid scheme.

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