Companies that rent electric scooters hope that further driver training can improve the situation for both their customers and their companies.

Tier Mobility GmbH,

Ford Motor Co.

Spin & Lyme, officially called Neutron Holdings Inc., has introduced or developed its own e-scooter schools in recent months to reduce the number of accidents and encourage nervous new drivers. They also want to change the way people look at their scooter experience.

Wherever scooters are used in the world, there is always a risk that people will see them as more than just toys or leisure articles, says Alan Clarke, Director of Policy and Government Affairs of the British Government. – This training is really very important to emphasize that these scooters are a serious means of transport and teach people to think about safety while driving.

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Electronic scooter starters compete for riders and contracts with cities at the end of a difficult financial year. International city power outages, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, undermined demand for scooter rentals, and losses led to redundancies at Bird Rides Inc. and Lime earlier this year. Some micro-mobility companies, which according to forecasts by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co could reach $300 billion in the United States by 2030, are already suffering heavy losses before the pandemic. Widespread urban development has been partly slowed down by critics who claim that electronic scooters are dangerous, especially when ridden without helmets.

However, investors continue to support providers of electronic travel services and more and more legislators are allowing providers to offer their business travel services in cities around the world.

E-scooter schools can help municipal officials be discreet about security issues, David Zipper said during a visit to a colleague at the Taubman Center at the Kennedy School of Government and Local Government at Harvard.

Governments love educational programs, he said, and that’s why these courses are one of the many services or extras that cities can smile at when they think of highly competitive bids for the provision of electronic scotch-sharing systems.

Tier hopes his Ride Safe School will help demonstrate the company’s commitment to accountability, said Fred Jones, Managing Director of Tier in the UK and Ireland.

I hope we can show that we can achieve much safer results and that this is thanks to the investment we have made in the training of the riders, Jones said.

The Bird helps users of electric scooters plan their first trip to theBritish High School.


Shivraj Gohil/Space follows the media

Personal training programs allow participants to get used to riding, braking and balancing on an electric scooter under the supervision of a trainer in the field, e.g. when parking, and some take new riders on roads and bike paths. The digital learning experience of the electric scooter includes a series of modules with video, text and images on topics such as ride planning, where you can legally drive and park and how to check if an electric scooter is suitable for road use.

In May 2019, Lime, a San Francisco-based company, launched its first Ride Academy riding school to teach new riders the basics of working with electric scooters.

In September, the company translated its online courses in response to recommendations on social distance, launched two digital versions of the course in the United States and plans to expand the format to 120 cities where it will operate next year, the spokesperson said.

In October Lyme added a basic safety quiz to its website, added a speaker, but continued in the UK where last week he presented a multi-module digital training course, developed in collaboration with the British roadside assistance service AA. Tier, the Berlin-based micro-mobile company, has launched a similar program with AA.

While most cities do not require a course or test to use an electric scooter, Lime and Tier offers a variety of incentives to encourage participation in their new training experience. Animal offers a free 15-minute ride for those taking a workout. Lyme offers three free laps and a helmet for those who pass the final exam.

The companies stated that they also follow users whose driving is considered unsafe and ask them to take courses and virtual tests before they can use their electric scooter again.

The Spider will allow users of its seven UK pilot programmes to unlock e-scooters only after undergoing further virtual driver training and a safety test, the spokeswoman said. Users using Bird for the first time can also unlock their e-scooters only after passing the safety test in the inapp system, the company said.

But some people are actively interested in learning more about e-scooters before they hit the road, Tier CEO Jones said.

The company’s research has shown that according to Jones, women and older people in particular are more cautious when switching to electronic suspension. The animals hope that his riding schools will give them confidence and enable them to ride regularly, he said.

Write to Kathy Dayton at [email protected].

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