The crime data listed below are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change as updated information is received. All suspects are innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law. The dates below are subject to weekly changes.

Atascadero Police Station

December 2020

9:31 p.m. – Ashley Marie Mack, 34, transient, was arrested in the El Camino Real 9900 block and quoted for GARANTEE LOCALE – MISDEMANOR [N/B M]; case no. 202958.

14.00 – The National Police Advisory Council analyses the activities of the penitentiary and the police in the fight against juvenile delinquency. 202959

11:48 AM – Christopher James Herrera, 27, of Bakersfield, was arrested in the Park and Ride Lot in Santa Barbara and registered for HIGH GORANTE – FELONY [O/W-F]; Case no.: HIGH GORANTE – FELONY [O/W-F]. 202960.

10:35 p.m. – Erica Danell Johnson, 30, of Bakersfield, was arrested in Santa Barbara Park and Ryde Lot and quoted for NARCOCONTROLLED SUPPORT [11350(A)HS], ADULT PARAPHERNAL OF A FRIEND [11364(A)HS]; Case #202960.

15. December 2020

1:36 p.m. – Brian Michael Sumner, 37, is temporarily arrested in the 9300 block of El Bordo Avenue and cited for reduced driving ability [23152(F)VC]; file number. 202964

23:18 – Ryan William Wittenberg, 32, of Atascadero, was arrested on Monterey Rd. and quoted for drink-driving [23152(A)VC], DUI [23152(B)VC]; case no.: Ryan William Wittenberg, 32, of Atascadero, was arrested on Monterey Rd. and quoted for drink-driving [23152(A)VC]. 202968.

December 2020

22:27 – Alexander Joji Burch, 35, of Atascadero, was arrested in the 6400 block of Santa Lucia Street and summoned to appear before the LOCAL DEPARTMENT – MISDEMANOR [B/U M]; case no.: The case is pending. 202977.

December 2020

03:52- Lizbeth Gabriela Cardenas, 41, from Atascadero, arrested in the district of El Camino Real 8300 and quoted for WHY PARAPHERNALIA OF A FRIEND [11364(A)HS], FALSE IDENTIFICATION TO THE SPECIFIC WORLD [148.9(A)PC]; case no.: WHY PARAPHERNALIA OF A FRIEND [11364(A)HS]; FALSE IDENTIFICATION TO THE SPECIFIC WORLD [148.9(A)PC]. 202979.

12:27 PM – Atascadero’s David Clark Edwards, 55, is arrested in El Camino Real’s 9000 block and registered for STATE PROBLEM [1203].2(A)PC], OFFENCE [23152(A)VC], DUI W/3+ DUI CONV W/IN 10 YR [23152(A)VC], OFFENCE [23152(B)VC], DUI BAC OVER .08 W/3+ DUI CONV W/IN 10 Y [23152(B)VC], DUI W/ SPECIFIC CONVICTIONS [23550(A)VC]; case number . 202983.

December 2020

1:44 p.m. – Rhonda Leanne Hamlin, 45, in transition, was arrested in the 5900 block of the East Mall and quoted for LOCAL GUARANTEES – MISDEMANOR [S/W M]; file number. 202989

6:16 p.m. – Gabriel Valanti Netz, 27, of Atascadero, was arrested in the 6900 block of El Camino Real and was summoned to appear for the initialling of a friend [11364(A)HS], LOCAL GUARD – FELONIA [N/B], LOCAL GUARD – MISDEMANOR [N/B-M]; case no. 202994.

6.02 p.m. – Police analysis of the activities undertaken in 2009 and 2010 concerning the prevention of sexual violence against women and children.

20. December 2020

5.09 p.m. – Laura Alice Hamilton, 57, of Templeton, was arrested at the corner of Curbaril and Acacia Avenue and cited for DUI (DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENTAGE) [23152(B)VC], DUI (DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENTAGE) [23152(B)VC]; Case No. 203003.

17:19 p.m. – Mario Salgado Garcia, 39, of Santa Barbara, arrested in the 6000 block of El Camino Real and cited for CRIME D’UN AMI [11364(A)HS], WORTH CEILINGS OR DAGERS, REFERRED TO PERSONS [21310PC]; Case #203004.

Paso Robles Police Department

December 2020

6.34 p.m. – The Government of Canada announces the appointment of Mr Barroso as Prime Minister, after consultation with the National Advisory Commission on the Status of Women [11550(A)H&S], in the context of the influence of controlled driving [11550(A)H&S], in the context of the influence of the Parafferalia [11364(A)H&S]; case no.: Parafferalia [11364(A)H&S]. 20.

December 2020

2:02 p.m. – Joanna Nuanes Vega, 39, of Paso Robles, was arrested on the corner of Rolling Hills and Golden Hill and transferred to the prison of SPECIFIED MANAGEMENT [11377(A)H&S], INCIDENTAL PARAPHERNAL [11364(A)H&S]; file number. 202888

6.02 p.m. – Police analyse the activities undertaken in 2009 to combat crime against children under the age of five. 11350(A)H&S 202888

December 2020

07:11. Jose Manuel Garcia, age 30, was arrested at 900 Spring Ave. and transferred to another body for PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A)H&S], ENTRY/EXIT GUARANTEES [10851(A)VC], possession of a certain controlled substance [11377(A)H&S], possession of a narcotic drug [11350(A)H&S], EXTERNAL GUARANTEE – PACKAGE [O/W-M], LOCAL GUARANTEE – PACKAGE [B/W-M]; Case No. 20.

07:35 Angel Garcia, 29, of Paso Robles, was arrested at 900 Spring Street, charged and released for performing SPECIFIED MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE [11377(A)H&S], FULL STRIKE OF CONFUSED USERS [11364(A)H&S], FULL STRIKE OF CONFUSED MEDICAL SERVICES [11350(A)H&S]; Case #. 20-2875

6:02 p.m. – Emery William Justin Grohregin, 25, of Paso Robles, was transferred to another agency for a GREAT VIOLENCE – FELONY [O/W-F]; case no. 202895.

December 2020

22:35 Jose Arzateramirez, 43 years old, from the Bay of Morro, arrested in block 2400 of Branch Creek and transferred to another agency for MAJOR WARRANTY – MISDEMANOR [O/W-M], EXTERNAL GUARANTEE – PACKAGE [O/W-M], CRIMINAL FLIGHT – 1st degree. Class [459PC], VANDALISM WITH DAYS OF $400 OR MORE [594(B)(1) PC], DECLARATION WITH IMPORTANT TERRORIZE [422PC]; Case No [422PC]. 202916.

December 2020

14.45 – Zachary Warren Helgren, 28, of Atascadero, was arrested on the corner of Creston Rd. and Tanner Dr. and registered for DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENT [23152(A)VC] and released; case #202918.

4.34 p.m. – The Government of Quebec announces the appointment of Mr Jacques Cartier as Director-General of the European Commission.

20. December 2020

14.53 – Kevin Nwani Maina, 30, of Paso Robles was arrested and released on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol [23152(A)VC]; case no.: “Kevin Nwani Maina, 30 years old, of Paso Robles was arrested and released on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol [23152(A)VC]. 202927.

1:54 p.m. – Rhonda Leanne Hamlin, aged 45, of Paso Robles, was arrested and released under SUBSTANCE INFLUENCE [11550(A)H&S]; case no.: “The case is pending”. 202928.

16.00 – Ernesto Alonso Chavez, 27, of Paso Robles, has been arrested and sentenced to DUI ALCOHOL [23152(A)VC], DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENT [23152(B)VC]; Case No: DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENT [23152(B)VC]. 202929.

5:32 p.m. – Brad Russell Betschart, 37, of Paso Robles, was arrested at the corner of 14th Street and Pine Street and arrested and released for ALKOHOL INFO [23152(A)VC], ALKOHOL INFO [23152(B)VC]; case number 20-2931.

6:18 p.m. – Katrina Clark, 40, of Paso Robles, was arrested at the corner of 14th Street and Rue des Pins, and then arrested and released for CONDUCT INCORRECT CONDUCT IN THE PUBLIC [647(F)PC]; file number. 202931


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We’ll get through this together, Atascadero…

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