Resident Evil Village – what do you think? (Image: Capcom)

Friday’s letterbox is fascinated with the Empire of Jade 2 and Zelda: Ocarina time beta as a reader of The Last of Us Part 2.

You can participate in the discussions by sending an email to [email protected].

From Resident Evil
Really impressed with the Resident Evil Village caravan. The graphics are fantastic and will look great in VR. I also like the references to the old Resident Evil games, although the whole Spencer Mansion story is a bit overdone at this point. Was I the only one who had a bloody feeling about it too? The two openings are Yarnham and Cinehurst Castle, especially when it snows.

I’m fine with it, Bloodborne was great and it’s not like Capcom was ripping it off. In fact, I’d rather be inspired by other games than embarrassing horror movie thefts like Blair Witch. I wonder if Lovecraft will play a role in the game. As GC noted, there wasn’t much high-tech hardware in the frame, so is it just something that comes later, or has Resi finally become supernatural?

I don’t know if it really matters in terms of gameplay, but the trailer did its job and convinced me of the game. I wish I had a PlayStation 5 so I could download the demo and try it out.
PS : RE:Verse wasn’t particularly impressive, but when has multiplayer ever been good in Resident Evil?

Happy Birthday
Woof… This RE:Fresh multiplayer does not look good. I can understand the idea that maybe it was something Capcom wanted to do quickly for the 25th anniversary because the pandemic didn’t allow for anything else, but I think in this case it would have been better to do nothing at all.

Or maybe they just added all the characters from the police department to the remake of Resident Evil 2 and made it into something they could give away for free? Something that was actually a survival horror? I don’t quite understand how you can celebrate Resi by playing a bad multiplayer game that doesn’t look or play like that.

The good news is, Resident Evil looked good. I would have preferred a third person, but otherwise I was very impressed with the relatively subtle graphics and innuendo compared to previous games. The talking vampire lady also seemed to assume there was a good amount of cheese left in the dialogue, so that’s good.

Big If
There will be many emails like this, but damn, Resident Evil VIII looks delicious!

I was actually planning on moving on to the next generation this summer, but it’s now the 7th generation. May. Assuming the new remotes are available by then….

Mail your comments to: [email protected].

Infinite question
RE : PlayStation sales. I’ve been trying to determine if the increased demand is part of the problem with all scalpers. How do PlayStation 5 sales compare to previous PlayStation 4 sales? Are they similar (in which case demand is probably higher) or are PlayStation 4 sales higher (in which case there is probably a supply issue)?

The reality is probably a combination of the two, but I was curious and took the trouble to Google the answer, but I didn’t know if you (or any reader) could give me some advice?
Matt (he_who_runs_away – PSN ID)

GC : The point seems moot when no one can buy it, whether they want to or not, but the PlayStation 5 has launched the biggest console ever.

Dream Empire
I didn’t even know BioWare planned a sequel to Jade Empire, even though the link was tenuous. It all sounds pretty ambitious for an Xbox 360 game. I wonder why they chose a more RPG style of play with Mass Effect and Dragon Age. They’re big games, so it’s not a problem, but I wonder what made them change their minds, other than the Jade Empire doing it wrong.

I always find abandoned and cancelled games interesting, even things like Zelda’s beta: Ocarina of time. While the grass is always greener, we think it’s better not to cut it, but in most cases you can understand exactly why things were removed and how they are better.

We always imagine that what we haven’t seen must be better than what we have, and that applies as much to games as it does to movies and everything else. That said, there are some things I’d like to see completed, like the Platinum Scalebound game. In BioWare’s case, however, we have to assume that they were right about Jade Empire 2. The age of the dragon: Origins and Mass Effect 2 were two of the best things they did, so I’m glad we have this instead.

Welcome Bloat
I had the same problem with the comment system and it has to do with the cookie policy. It worked for me with Chrome on Android. Scroll down the page and click on the privacy policy, then click on the cookie options link, go to 2 ads and personalized content and enable permission, save and exit and everything should work again.
Magic squirrel
PS : I also just finished The Last Of Us Part 2 and after 65 hours (the title of slowest player in the world is still intact) I still didn’t want to finish it, pompous man and all.

GC : It’s weird that so many people have to finish the game at the same time, we also have a promotion for readers this weekend.

Startup problems
I pre-ordered Hitman 3 on the PlayStation 5 (digital), and launch day was terrible. I was unable to transfer the progress of Hitman 2 when the site went down. I also failed to make the level of Hitman 2 work in Hitman 3. I own the PlayStation 4 version of the Hitman 2 disc. From what I see online, I have to download Hitman 2 to get the free access pack and then download it into Hitman 3? But the store doesn’t have an access pack for Hitman 2.

Also, I couldn’t connect to the servers, so I couldn’t play the game because I had to be online to unlock the tasks.

Any advice on how to transfer my level from hitman 2 to hitman 3?

GC : It looks like they have fixed the problems now, that should explain everything.

Watch a very interesting documentary on TV
about the 3 games and about me. It only takes 32 minutes, so it’s not a big investment. Here we look at the many positive aspects of today’s game.

A five-part documentary titled Fight for First about the progress of the airport team will also air on Wednesday night.

Read more: Game Inbox

No explanation
I’d like to think Valve is starting to make real games again, but I don’t think anything Gabe Newell has said about making new games in the last decade has ever been reliable. Probably because they keep changing their minds instead of lying, but still. The main thing for me is that he never explained why Walv stopped playing.

What have they been doing all this time! Like we saw in Half-Life: Alix, there were still a lot of people working there, talented developers, so what were they doing there all that time? Only make skins for Counter-Strike?

I’ll be the first to pre-order Half-Life 3 or Portal 3 or whatever, but what frustrates me is the wasted time. We lost almost ten games to Valve for no good reason, I see. Of course that’s their job, and they obviously make a lot more money with Steam, but I don’t see what Valve’s game developers have to do with it, so I’m glad it was finally released for the game.

, I can already see the number of wars on the Xbox Series X compared to the PlayStation 5. Where insignificant differences that no one can discern just by looking at them become screamers on the internet. 4K vs 1800p is so trivial it’s funny. That’s 60 feet per second versus 50 feet per second. Generations pass, but the game never changes!

A little late to the party, but the Monster Hunter Rise demo was really impressive. I see it as a great set in Japan, and it seems similar to World in terms of complexity and even graphics. Good job.
The ghost of a stranger

This week’s
Hot Topic inbox was suggested by Gannet reader, who wonders what is the most annoying cliché in games?

Clichés can range from game mechanics (forced stealth missions) to game design (climbing a radio tower), from characters to point plot (amnesia in Japanese RPGs) to anything that bothers you, from marketing to voice play.

Is the problem that the concept is overused, or that you didn’t like it much at first? What’s the cliché that you secretly like and whose hope never goes away?

Mail your comments to: [email protected].

Small font
New inbox updates appear daily in the morning and special Hot Topic inboxes appear on weekends. Letters to the editor are used on merit and may be cut to length.

You can also read your own 500-600 words at any time, which, when used, will appear in the next available slot over the weekend.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE: Games are coming: Zelda: Release date of Breath of the Wild 2, end of Cyberpunk 2077, and Tomb Raider new generation.

MORE: Games are coming: A reboot of SOCOM and Alundra, the best game in the series, and Hitman 3 on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Games Inbox: best portable game console, release date of Bayonetta 3 and purchase of CD Projekt Red

Follow Metro Games on Twitter and email us at [email protected].

You can find more of these stories on our games page.

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