Get ready for February (Photo: Getty/

What’s a month in advance?

Below is the tarot deck for each zodiac sign for the upcoming month of February 2021, highlighting the three tarot cards drawn for your zodiac sign and explaining in more detail what they mean to you.

We have also recommended an important action you should take this month.

For Taurus, it’s about healing an old wound, while Gemini should approach February with renewal in mind.

Read on for monthly predictions for your zodiac sign.

What is your sign?

  • Aries: 21. March – 20. April
  • Bull: From 21 April to 21 May
  • Gemini: 22. May-June 21
  • Cancer: 22. June to the 23rd. July
  • Leo: 24. July – 23. August
  • Virgo: 24. August – 23. September
  • Scales: From 24 September to 23 October
  • Scorpio: 24. October to the 22nd. November
  • Sagittarius: 23. November to the 21st. December
  • Capricorn: 22. December to the 21st. January
  • Aquarius: 22. From January to the 19th. February
  • Fish: 20. February – 20. Mars


A romance could be in sight, Aries (Photo: Getty /

Tarot cards for the month February: Seven of swords, Ace of cups, Nine of chopsticks.

I mean: A blossoming relationship.

With the irresistible and passionate Ace of Cups, a new relationship is being prepared (maybe a friendship, but more romantic). We feel good, and we’re honest in business. You must have fallen in love with this guy already.

However, the Seven of Swords warns that not everything is as it seems, and this could be the case for both you and them.

Are you alone now? Or are you being completely honest? Really?

Aries, you have a tendency to get carried away with things, and you just need to slow down here and let things happen at a natural (rather than broken) pace. Ask more questions, get to know them, protect your heart.

The Nine of Wands shows that you will find out what is being held, or find out this month, and that will be a release and a positive. So don’t keep any secrets, yours or anyone else’s.

This relationship can be whatever you want it to be (friendship or love), but without rushing into it, without really getting to know each other. Take your time. Enjoy the ride.


Bull, don’t be shy. (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Dearly beloved, three swords, two cups.

I mean: Heal the old wound.

You are facing an important decision in your love life, as The Lovers shows, which refers to conflicting feelings and decisions between your head and your heart. You don’t know what to do next or how you really feel.

The Three of Swords shows that the cause of this fear is a betrayal or an emotional wound inflicted by another. It could be your current partner, and you’re working on forgetting about him. It could be an ex and you’re still echoing him. There may even be something in your childhood that never seemed to be resolved and still bothers you when you pull the right trigger. Like now.

Two cuts show that it’s not necessarily the relationship itself that needs to go (even if it’s something you finally decided), but an underlying problem or conflict.

Think about what you are feeling and why, and what can be healed or treated now, and what just needs to be healed in due course. Things can go back to how they were, but you can’t ignore what’s happening. Control this emotional moment.


Gemini, this month is all about renewal (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: The Ace of Swords, the Five of Pentacles, the Ace of Cups ….

I mean: Update.

Sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop, especially if you’re in pain and trying not to deal with it, or if things are going well for you and you’re trying to get out of it quickly (which is a typical Gemini reaction to all difficult things).

The five pieces and the ace of the sword come together to allow you to finally understand the cause, the truth, and the life lesson of an ancient event that truly turned your world upside down – as one that happened before, not after.

So far you’ve let the case drag on and never been able to shed any light on what happened, the case is still unsolved.

This event can’t hurt you anymore, so take the time to revisit it. It takes so much wisdom to truly understand the things that have changed, that have shocked or upset us. The truths from the trials you have been through are invaluable, and you are now ready to receive and use this gift.

The Ace of Cups indicates that this new self-knowledge will open an important door in your current relationships – romantic or otherwise.

You will be grateful for the life lessons and even more so for the people who are part of your current life, and for the opportunity to reshape and renew your life. You will feel wiser, more confident and enthusiastic about making the most of your life. You’re doing very well. They came back from there.


Cancer, get ready to make tough decisions (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Four cups, seven cups.

I mean: There’s an intersection up ahead.

It’s often said that it takes twice as long to get out of a rut as it does when you’re in one. That doesn’t sound good, does it?

Not surprisingly, it’s easier to stay true to yourself even when you know you’re bored and need to expand your horizons.

Cancer, Four Coins shows you that this rut is not a prosperous one, and the longer you hang around here, the harder it will be for you to get out. But going out doesn’t have to be slow, boring or painful – no, not at all.

The seventh of the rooms indicates that you are now at a crossroads, reading more than you think to embark on a new and exciting path, an amazing change of direction that no one around you will see coming. Do it! Shock everyone! Take the road less traveled.

How do you know what it is? The seventh of the chalices shows that you have a dream, a vision, a fantasy. You think it’s stupid or unapproachable, but it’s not.

It’s time to do it. Get out of your rut by running into a dream that makes you feel truly alive and excited. Anything is possible, you’ve waited long enough, it’s time to act.


There could be great career opportunities in the future, Leo (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Ten pieces, starch, eight sticks.

I mean: Career Opportunities.

Great career opportunities lie ahead, and it’s all thanks to your noisy network, as evidenced by the Eight of Chopsticks Communicator.

Ten Coins shows that this is the kind of work that leads to long-term success and wealth, so it’s worth a look this month.

Shake the tree out of the net and see what falls out. Join former colleagues, update your social media, speak at forums, apply for something you wouldn’t normally dare to do. You will have the opportunity to connect with other people and strike up a conversation with those you already know in the working world.

The strength shows that it can take some time; perhaps because it is an important role, there is a long application process, or even some research or a long evaluation.

The Force indicates that this will be one of your creations, so begin the process with confidence, knowing that everything is preparing you to blossom on the next level that you are more than ready for.


Virgin, get ready for the big project (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Four Sticks, Ten Sticks, Queen Of Sticks….

I mean: Big project.

A trio of staff charts this month, so it’s all about action, activity, energy and passion. You are willing to manifest something and make it work for you, because there should be no pain without gain, right? That’s right.

Staff ten, however, reminds you not to overdo it and divide your time around the big rocks (if you don’t put them in the pot first, don’t put them in at all) and let the small rocks slide.

You don’t have much energy, my friend – save it wisely. The Queen of Wands encourages you to play with boldness, take risks, be dynamic and courageous. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, because that’s where the rewards are waiting for you.

The four sticks indicate that it is about your work, your health or your home. And your hard work will be rewarded with amazing results. The more you focus on this, the better the results.

Choose a project that inspires you and start working on it this month. Give it your best shot and you’ll be happy with the results.

Read more: Astrology


Libra, the reunion is on (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: King of Pentacles, Six Cups, King of Cups.

I mean: Goodbye, now.

The vibrations these cards give off are a kind of reunion. Are you ready for this? It seems unlikely, given the constraints and circumstances, but let me tell you this: Memory Lane is waiting for your attention, and I think she wants you to arrange or initiate a meeting.

The King of Pentacles sees you taking the initiative and becoming practical. If you want this to happen, do it. Libra, you’re smart and charming, and if anyone can orchestrate the rebirth of old ties, it’s you.

The King of Cups suggests that this is a very delicate and even romantic undertaking. These are the people (or person) you once felt love for and thought would always be there. Somehow the connection has been broken, but they have been thinking about you lately and you want them back in your life.

So whether it is a person, an ex, an old friend, a distant relative, a former colleague or even a group of people, Six Cups advises you to approach it with lightness, love, warmth, humour and a smile.

Make it a friendly invitation and let them bite, see what happens, it could be great and frankly you have nothing to lose.


A touching farewell to Scorpio is planned (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Six swords, five cups, four swords…

I mean: Emotional farewell.

Something is bothering you, as evidenced by the pathetic Five of Cups. This card is like an echo of the past, an old wound that reopens from time to time, and you like to lean into it, revel in what was, what you did (or didn’t do), and generally, if I may say so, take a walk.

This feast of self-pity doesn’t suit you, Scorpio, but feelings don’t follow rational lines, so there’s probably nothing you can do about it.

Four Swords asks you to be kind to yourself as you reflect on this past event. Rest, relax, do less, prioritize, delegate. Reduce the workload because you have an emotional burden that needs to change.

The Six of Swords is an action plan that comes from this period of reflection, and the end result is that you will leave something behind. This echo came to help you understand where, in your current world, you might make a similar mistake or wait too long for things to get better.

The time has come to move, to change, to leave, and you feel it before you know it. Don’t make the same mistakes, don’t hold on to something that isn’t there.

Act according to your instinct and intuition, it is the right choice and you will feel that you have finally closed the chapter.

Magnetic switch

Go on, shooter. (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Five swords, chopstick lace, emperor…

I mean: Fighting.

Sometimes, when our backs are against the wall, we find a solution or a way out that we didn’t know existed and would never have stumbled upon had we not been under pressure. So don’t avoid conflict or stress this month (it sounds counterintuitive, but it is), because sometimes you have to fight to see how you can win.

The Five of Swords sees how upset and irritated you are by the situation – that’s just it, you can’t fix it now, so acknowledge these feelings as the first means of change.

The side of the bars indicates that your opponent is someone who is immature and feisty, or that the circumstances are ambiguous and constantly changing, so you never know where you stand. You’re a flexible character, but that’s ridiculous. Then say something! Express your displeasure and bring light to the situation.

Things will quickly get worse, but you need to stand firm that you want a solution, not a protracted conflict or a witch hunt.

The Emperor gives you the determination to stand your ground and persevere until the underlying cause is discovered and properly determined. And you will. Your efforts and courage will pay off here and you will feel like you are on top of the world.


Stop fighting, Trump (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: 2 sticks, 7 sticks, 8 scales.

I mean: Go away.

Cap, you know that saying about banging your head against a wall? Well, that’s not where we want you this month, so don’t be stubborn and don’t get stuck in fights you can’t (and don’t want to) win. Are you okay?

The Seven of Wands sees you in the heat of the moment, fighting back, pushing back every advantage and almost obsessing over the prize you (once) wanted. You ignore the red flags and the signal, as in the Eight of Cups, that either this fight is well and truly over, or this prize is an empty piece of jewelry you don’t even want anymore. Either way, it’s a waste of your precious efforts.

The Two of Baren shows that it takes a few weeks for the penny to drop and you see things as they really are.

If this happens, don’t panic and stay in the situation. Keep moving! Steigen Sie aus. Take a break. Start with a different goal, something bigger and better. It ends with a reason: to free you up for something more impressive. There are better prices on the market.


Be creative, Aquarius (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Queen of Cups, Wizard, Three of Ways…

I mean: Creativity.

This is your time of year, Aquarius, and you feel powerful, creative and, frankly, irresistible. The power of your planet Uranus, which is in power, hovers within you with the magician and the three wands. You see connections between things, you form new ideas, you create, you have bouts of inspiration. Just let it go. It’s magic. They’re magical.

Don’t lose all your vital energy because this is your season and all your thoughts and ideas are invaluable. Write them down. Act on it. Save the ones you can’t do now.

It’s a flood of inventions and ideas that you need to catch and tame, because they can help you seize exciting opportunities and ride the wave to enter the next chapter of your life.

The Queen of Cups assures you that it’s not just about intellectual and spiritual stimulation. Your love life and relationships are also flourishing this month, and you feel happy and content with the bonds you’ve made and the progress you’ve made in your immediate relationships. You feel loved because you are loved. You’re a unique person. The others admire you. Just be yourself, my friend, and the good things will continue.


Trust your instincts, Pisces (Photo: Getty/

Tarot cards for the month February: Side of the Swords, Sun, Temperance)

I mean: Choose a page.

Believe in yourself, Pisces, in your opinions and beliefs, because you deserve your own niche, and no one can make you feel inferior (without your permission).

The side of swords shows that you have been feeling indecisive about something or someone lately and that you are torn, unsure of what you really believe. It was monotonous and useless, and you ended up not liking anyone when you tried to please everyone. That’s enough.

Moderation allows a person to finally draw their own conclusions and feel confident about the reasons for their feelings, and to explain them to others. You want to express yourself, and you honestly don’t care what other people think. That’s all I’m saying.

The sun shows that this chapter has a very happy ending. By clarifying your position, you feel rooted, you help others understand whether they are attracted to you or not, and so everything settles down and becomes calm and peaceful again.

A harmonious atmosphere promotes the warmth and intimacy with others that you had hoped for, and you wish you had been clearer earlier. Anyway, all’s well that ends well.

Kerry King, a Tarot Queen, uses the wisdom of the Tarot and the Zodiac to create inspiring predictions and insights. She has over 25 years of experience in the field of clairvoyance and has many satisfied clients all over the world. You can order a personally written lecture, in the form of a beautifully illustrated booklet, from his website.

Everything you need to know about your zodiac sign.

If you want to know the dates, characteristics and compatibility of the zodiac signs – and also some famous people who fall under this zodiac sign – we have an overview of each of them. Look at them:

Do you have something to tell me?

Please contact us at the following address [email protected].

MORE: What will be available in 2021? Your zodiac sign is the taroscope for the coming year.

MORE: Everything you need to know about your moon sign and how it can affect your relationship.

MORE: Quiz: Create your own tarot card by answering ten simple questions.

aquarius february 2021 horoscopearies february 2021 horoscopeaquarius horoscopefebruary horoscope 2021 virgofebruary horoscope 2021 cancerfebruary horoscope signfebruary horoscope 2021 capricornmonthly horoscope

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