This is what you need to know:.

Sandra Lindsey, a nurse at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, will be vaccinated against Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 on Monday by Dr. Michelle Chester in Queens.

Sandra Lindsay, a nurse at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, was vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 by Dr. Michelle Chester in Queens on Monday…… Photo of Mark Lennichan in a pool

The first injections were given as part of the American mass immunization campaign on Monday. This opened a new chapter in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, which caused more deaths in the United States – more than 300,000 people than in any other country Monday afternoon.

Shortly after 9 a.m., a new vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech, was administered at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens, the first known vaccine since the F.D.A. approved late last week. This is an encouraging step for the state of New York, where the pandemic has hit hard, with more than 35,000 deaths and a severely weakened economy.

I believe this weapon will end the war, Andrew M. Cuomo said Monday morning, just before Sandra Lindsay, a nurse in the center’s intensive care unit, was shot. Government officials said the injection was the first to be given outside a vaccine trial in the United States.

Lindsey, who cared for the patients during the pandemic, said she hoped her public immunization would inspire confidence in the safety of the vaccine.

I’ve seen the alternative, and I don’t want it for you, she said. I can feel the healing coming. I hope this is the beginning of a very painful period in our history.

President Trump tweeted: First controlled vaccine. Congratulations to the United States! Congratulations to the world!

Shortly after, Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said at a press conference that this was an incredible historic moment for me and the beginning of something much better for this city and this country.

In Iowa, nurse David Conway, 39, received the vaccine and in Columbus, Ohio, ambulance driver Dr. Mark Conroy, 41, received the vaccine.

It was pure excitement on my part, said Dr. Conroy, medical director of emergency medicine at Ohio State University Hospital, who added that he had lost friends to the virus.

Vaccination began after the FDA granted emergency approval for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine on Friday evening and after the number of coronavirus deaths in the United States on Monday exceeded 300,000, with the number of new cases occurring every day steadily increasing.

On Sunday, trucks and cargo planes filled with the first of nearly three million doses of coronavirus vaccine spread across the country as hospitals in all 50 states quickly set up injection sites and their restless employees followed every hour of shipment. But its use is less centralised in the United States than in other countries that continue to spread it.

Throughout the country, 145 locations are expected to receive the vaccine on Monday, 425 on Tuesday and 66 on Wednesday, according to General Gustav F. Pern, Director of the Federal Vaccine Development Service.

It is expected that most of Monday’s first injections will be administered to high-risk medical staff. In many cases, this initial limited supply would not have been sufficient to provide all doctors, nurses, guards, receptionists and other workers who may come into daily contact with the virus with sufficient doses. Because vaccines can cause side effects such as fever and pain, hospitals report that workers’ vaccination schedules vary.

The residents of the nursing home, who have suffered a disproportionate number of deaths from Covida 19 disease, are also receiving priority care and are expected to begin vaccinations next week. However, the vast majority of Americans will not be able to benefit from the vaccine until spring or later.

On Monday, in an interview with MSNBC, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s leading expert on infectious diseases, described a return to a normal life plan that would last until 2021. He stressed that until then social distance and masks would continue to play a decisive role in the fight against the spread of the virus.

He predicted that the average person without basic conditions would receive the vaccine in late March or early April. If the campaign succeeds in convincing people to get vaccinated, most people can be vaccinated in late spring or early summer, he said.

I think that by then we will be able to get there, so that when we start in the fall, we can start to approach a certain level of enlightenment when the level of infection in society is so low that we can basically start to approach some form of normality, he said.

Until then, he stressed, standard measures to protect public health – withdrawal, camouflage, avoidance of indoor meetings – will remain necessary.

The vaccine is no longer a substitute for standard public health measures, he said, adding that the vaccine is not a substitute for traditional standard measures: It’s not a replacement. He’ll kill them. Only when the infection rate in a society is so low that it no longer poses a threat to public health can the possibility of derogating from public health measures be considered.

The first five vaccinations are scheduled for Monday afternoon at George Washington University Hospital, which has been designated by the Department of Health and Human Services as the national opening ceremony.

Five persons were selected according to the algorithm used by the hospital to administer the first doses. This is the result of a survey of hospital staff, which asked questions about their age, major illnesses and the risks they run at work. The event is expected to show how many health workers will be vaccinated this week, the official said.

The beginning is part of what the official said, a series of vaccinations involving senior health officials.

This morning, Dr. Moncef Slowy, Chief Advisor on the Coronavirus Vaccination Program of Trump Policy, described Monday at CBS as an extraordinary day and an extraordinary achievement for the thousands of people involved in vaccine development and distribution.

When asked what he was most worried about in the early days of Mammut logistics, he replied that he was worried about the accidental loss of temperature control. (Pfizer BioNTech vaccine must be stored at extremely low temperatures).

But he expressed great concern about the level of reluctance in the country of those who are skeptical or unwilling to take the vaccine.

The Trump government is rushing to launch a $250 million education campaign to increase confidence in the vaccine. The start of the campaign was postponed for a few weeks for fear of politicisation of the campaign.

Vaccination in the United States began six days after the United Kingdom was the first country in the world to introduce a fully tested vaccine. Since then, a handful of other countries have approved the same vaccine. The first shipments of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine arrived in Canada on Sunday, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Twitter, and the first images will be available on Monday. Among the first to receive the vaccine are residents of retirement homes in Quebec and primary health care workers in Toronto.

Doctors will treat a coronavirus patient on Thursday in the intensive care unit of Sharpe Chula Vista Medical Center in San Diego, California.

Medical staff treats coronavirus patients in the Sharpe Chula Vista Intensive Care Unit at the San Diego Medical Center in San Diego, California, Thursday. Ariana Dressler for The New York Times.

The number of people who died from the coronavirus in the United States is known to exceed 300,000 on Monday, another record set less than four weeks after the country reached a quarter of a million deaths from the virus.

Covid-19 has surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States, said Robert Redfield, director of the Center for Disease Control, in a public speech last week, citing a week-long collapse in deaths in early December. Almost as many Americans die every day from this disease as during the attacks of September 11th. September 2001 or the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The sharp rise in the mortality rate reflects the speed at which Americans have been spreading the virus among themselves since the end of September, when the number of cases detected fell to less than 40,000 per day. A number of factors – including the financial pressure to return to work, the politicisation of wearing masks and the collective capitulation for social contact – have since led to more than 200,000 new cases per day. Many experts believe that deaths on a frightening scale will follow.

There’s no reason why so many people should die, said David Hayes-Bautista, professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. We chose it as a land to get off our feet. We voted, and therein lies the tragedy.

Three hundred thousand is more than the number of Americans who died in World War II. This represents about half of all expected cancer deaths this year. It’s the people of Pittsburgh.

But the worst is yet to come.

The first 100,000 deaths in the United States occurred on the 27th anniversary of the death of the president. The death toll was confirmed in May, after which it took four months for the nation to record another 100,000 deaths. The last 100,000 deaths occurred within three months. According to many public health experts, the next 100,000 Americans who are going to die could die within a month.

What bothers me is that the situation is much worse than I expected, said Ashish Yah, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health.

Last week’s FDA approval of a highly effective vaccine provides a new tool to slow – or even stop – the virus when it becomes widely available early next year. But the people who will die at the end of December or the beginning of January will be infected by then, Dr. Khan said. It will be very difficult to avoid an impact of 400,000 in one month after an impact of 300,000.

The proportion of Americans who died about 22 days after diagnosing Covid-19 is about 1.7 percent since May, according to Trevor Bedford, a genome epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle, who recently chatted. As a result, in the currently recorded cases, about three weeks of future deaths are essentially cooked, Dr Bedford wrote.

With the number of reported cases averaging nearly 200,000 per day over the past 22 days, Dr Bedford estimates that there are likely to be more than 3,000 deaths per day over the next 22 days.

A large part of the 300,000 people died of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or obesity. Most of them were students from long-term institutions. About a third of them were over 85 years old.

But it is wrong to conclude that these are deaths that epidemiologists believe will still occur. Since mid-March, when the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, the national mortality rate has increased by almost 20 percent.

Approximately 60,000 of these 300,000 people were under 65 years of age. A disproportionate number of Blacks, Spaniards, Indians – with the biggest differences between the youngest age groups: According to an analysis by the University of Maryland sociologist Philip Cohen, black Americans aged between 30 and 49 died almost six times as often as white people in the same age group, while Hispanics died almost seven times as often as white people in the same age group.

The mortality rate of coronaviruses will exceed 400,000? According to experts, a lot will depend on whether or not most Americans choose the vaccine. Nicholas Reich, a biostatistician from the University of Massachusetts who has collected statistical predictions of Covid-19 deaths from researchers across the country, said that many models have performed poorly in cases during the recent ascent, in part because human behavior was so volatile.

Collective action can make a real difference, Reich said. One of the reasons that it is difficult to predict is that power is to some extent in our hands.

Employees of the University of Iowa started with vaccinations on Monday.

Iowa State University staff started vaccinations on Monday. A loan… Catherine Gamble for the New York Times.

JOVA CITY – The fact that Dr. Patricia Vinokur received the vaccine on Monday was partly due to her own work. She is the principal investigator in clinical trials of Pfizer’s vaccine, which was first used in the United States.

It was the result of hard work, she said, and she broke it off.

The study, in which Dr. Vinokur, age 61, was involved, began in July and continued until October in the hospitals and clinics of Iowa State University, where 270 volunteers participated. Some tested positive for the coronavirus, others did not; they were given a vaccine to study the body’s response.

None of the study participants had serious reactions, she said, but there were side effects similar to those of flu vaccines, including fatigue, headaches and body aches.

An unusual side effect reported by the volunteers was severe back pain. But most people tolerated the vaccine, and the adverse symptoms disappeared after a few days, Dr Vinokur said.

Over the next two years, the members of the study will undergo regular follow-up studies to determine whether there are any long-term side effects and how long the Covid 19 vaccine will remain effective.

I’m very proud to be a part of it, Dr. Weinokur said.

World cycle

Both countries plan to introduce a bilateral travel bubble.

A passenger hugged a family member on arrival from New Zealand in October at Sydney International Airport in Australia. Two countries are planning to introduce a two-way travel bubble… credit… David Gray/Agence France-Presse – Getty Images

The New Zealand government plans to create a tourist bubble with Australia in the first quarter of next year, said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Monday.

This arrangement allows people to move freely between Australia and New Zealand without having to spend two weeks in quarantine on arrival. Passengers arriving from New Zealand are already exempt from quarantine in Australia.

According to Ardern at the press conference, the travel bubble awaits confirmation from Australian officials and will depend on significant changes in a country’s circumstances.

New Zealand, with a population of about five million, has prevented the worst of the pandemic, with the New York Times database reporting 2,096 cases and 25 deaths. In Australia, with a population of about 25.5 million, 28,031 people were tested for the coronavirus and 908 died.

In May, the governments of New Zealand and Australia announced that they had formally agreed to form a travel bubble as soon as possible. But the influx of new cases, especially in the state of Victoria, Australia, has put the plans on hold.

Here’s what you need to know about coronaviruses from all over the world:

  • South Korean officials have asked the schools in Greater Seoul to move all online courses from Tuesday to the end of the year. This week additional measures can be announced as the country tries to contain the worst epidemic. South Korea, which has about 50 million inhabitants, reported 718 new cases on Monday, compared to a record 1,030 the day before.
  • Japan is also combating the increase in the number of cases of the coronavirus and will halt the national campaign to promote travel and tourism. With hospitals under increasing pressure as a result of the recent steady increase in new infections, the programme, called Travel, will start on 28 and 29 September 2009. From December to 11 January and includes the main holiday of the calendar – New Year’s Day, where many people go home. Under this programme, consumers were given significant discounts to encourage them to support the country’s thriving tourism and services sector.
  • The Netherlands will block the spread of the virus for at least five weeks, said Prime Minister Mark Rutte in his national speech. These measures included the closure of schools, gymnasiums, small businesses, theatres, etc. in the 19th century. January. Doctor’s offices remain open.
  • On Monday, Singapore became the first Asian country to approve a coronavirus vaccine from U.S. manufacturer Pfizer and announced that the first shipment will arrive this month and be distributed free of charge to Singaporeans and long-term residents. Singapore has also agreed to purchase vaccines from the U.S. drug manufacturer Moderna and the Chinese company Sinovac. If everything goes according to plan, we will have enough vaccine for everyone in Singapore by the third quarter of 2021, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his speech to the nation.
  • German officials urged the public not to rush into the shops this week to do their Christmas shopping, as everyone except for the sellers of basic necessities will be closed on Wednesday in the midst of the tightened blockade. Germany announced on Sunday a tightening of measures after weeks of partial blockade, leaving schools and shops open, but could not adequately deal with the growing number of new cases of the coronavirus.
  • On Sunday, Austria carried out its first national massive coronavirus test in which about 4 200 apparently asymptomatic infections were detected. Almost a quarter of the country’s population participated in the free preventive medical check-up, which is available to all persons over 6 years of age who have not been ill in the last three months. Austrian Health Minister Rudi Anschober said this was not only a good start, but also a successful step to contain the pandemic in Austria.
  • On Monday, the European Union launched a mobile application to travel safely between its 27 member states and to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, which are part of the EU’s Schengen area. The application, called Re-open EU, was designed to help Europeans navigate through the intricacies of different national restrictions, quarantine and testing regulations, and was introduced in anticipation of a busy holiday season.

Jennifer Jett, Ben Dooley and Monica Pronchuk contributed to the report.

Dr. Yves Duroso received the vaccine Monday at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York.

Dr. Yves Duroso received the vaccine Monday at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York. A loan… Brendan McDermid/Reuters.

There has never been a Monday like this – a simultaneous, unmistakable, even unpredictable turning point for the presidency and a pandemic that has cost the lives of nearly 300,000 Americans.

From state to state, the typically inconspicuous mechanism of American democracy began to work when voters celebrated the victory of the 46th Amendment to the Constitution. U.S. President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. ratified, although the 45th President of the United States is still in office.

Around 10:00 in the morning. In the East, voters met in Indiana, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Vermont to formally approve Biden’s clear national victory. There is no doubt that the result – despite President Trump’s efforts to promote confidence in what he is – and the elected president at the beginning of the evening would exceed the necessary threshold.

As a sign of Mr Trump’s new deviant behaviour, voters in some states were forced to pursue a strict security policy, sometimes in remote areas after being threatened, simply because they were fulfilling their constitutional duty.

At the same time, another technique – more industrial than ceremonial – was introduced when the first shipments of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, which left the factory in Michigan on Sunday evening to greet the public, arrived in cities throughout the country plagued by the virus.

Federal officials said 145 facilities will be vaccinated on Monday, 425 on Tuesday and 66 on Wednesday. Most of the first injections are expected to be given to high-risk medical staff on Monday, although the relatively small number of vaccines administered does not protect all eligible people.

But this could be the beginning of the end.

On Monday, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who will continue to work as the central federal architect of the response to the virus under Biden’s leadership, said he believes most Americans who want the vaccine are likely to be able to get it by the end of March or early April.

In an interview with MSNBC, Dr. Fauci said that Biden’s vaccination plans were under discussion, as reports indicated that White House officials planned to vaccinate Trump officials at the highest level.

Trump, whose efforts to minimize the severity of the pandemic lay at the heart of the elections, started the day, as he has often done recently, with a Twitter post full of false information about falsified elections. The message was tweeted.

Yet a president who remains willing to acknowledge an unprecedented scientific effort to accelerate vaccine development cannot deprive himself of a triumphant victory on the day his political defeat would become official.

First controlled vaccine. Congratulations to the United States! Congratulations to the world! He wrote.

Angela Mattingley, cleaning lady at the University of Iowa Hospital, Monday.

Angela Mattingley, cleaning lady at the University of Iowa Hospital, Monday. A loan… from Angela Mattingley…

Monday marked a turning point after so many months of suffering for primary care workers as they received the first clinically approved vaccinations in the U.S. mass immunization campaign.

I’m so excited, said Angela Mattingley, a housekeeper at the University of Iowa Hospital, who has been cleaning the rooms of people with Covid-19 since the pandemic. It’s a sign that life is returning to normal.

On Monday morning, Miss Mattingley was in fifth place for the injections. She was told to wait 15 minutes in case of a side effect, then she went back downstairs to finish her shift.

Many Americans sighed a sigh of relief when images of blown up trucks and injected doses appeared on TV screens that had reminded them of the toll for so long. For those who work in the health sector, it was a pleasant turn of events in a devastating year.

Monday morning was a difficult time for 30-year-old pharmacist Mona Mogare when she gave her first injections at the Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans.

We expected it, she said, when journalists and government officials looked at us. This applies to all patients who unfortunately could not come, all patients who still come through the doors.

In Ohio, pharmacists were greeted with applause and cheers as they administered doses to about 30 physicians at the Wexner Medical Center of Ohio State University.

Dr. Mark Conroy, 41, an emergency physician and medical director of Ohio State University Hospital, was one of the first to receive the vaccine on Monday morning… Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Dr. Mark Conroy, 41, Medical Director of Emergency Medicine at Ohio State Hospital, was one of the first to receive the vaccine.

It’s been 10 months of work, we’ve protected ourselves and our patients, so it means a lot to me to be a little safer in the future, said Dr. Conroy, who was worried about the prospect of the virus returning to his family.

He added that he would continue to wear a mask and practice social distance.

We’re still learning a lot about how this vaccine works and how people react, he said, so I don’t want to take any chances of getting sick.

In Kentucky, Dr. Jason Smith, chief physician at Louisville Health University, was the first person in the state to receive the vaccine.

I didn’t even feel it, said Dr. Smith, and laughed when the doctor put a band-aid on his arm with a smiling face.

Mr. Meadows tested positive for the coronavirus in early November.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (right) in October. Mr. Meadows tested positive for the coronavirus in early November. A loan… Oliver Contreras for The New York Times.

On Sunday evening, President Trump said he would postpone plans to vaccinate White House officials against the coronavirus in the next few days.

This change came just hours after the New York Times reported that the administration quickly planned to distribute the vaccine to its employees at a time when initial doses were generally reserved for high-risk healthcare workers.

Mr Trump, who tested positive for the coronavirus and recovered from a hospital stay in October, also hinted that he would get the vaccine himself at some point in the future, but said he had no plans for the near future.

Those working in the White House should receive the vaccine a little later in the program, if not really needed, Tromp tweeted a few hours after the National Security Council representative defended the plan. I asked for this adjustment. I’m not going to take the vaccine, but I’m looking forward to the right time. Thank you very much.

It is not immediately clear why Mr Trump decided to change this policy and whether he was aware of it in advance. But White House staff working closely with him have been informed that he will soon receive injections of the coronavirus vaccine, said two sources aware of the distribution plans.

The purpose of distributing the vaccine in the west wing was to prevent other government officials from becoming ill in the final weeks of the Trump administration. The hope is to finally get the vaccine for everyone who works in the White House, said one person.

It is not clear how many doses were given in the White House or how many were needed, as many employees have already tested positive for the virus and have recovered. While many trump card officials said they wanted the vaccine and would accept it if offered, others expressed concern that it would send the wrong signal, giving the impression that trump card staff had jumped the line to protect the president, who had already recovered from the virus, and bragged that he was now immune.

In patients with severe Covid-19 disease, a clinical trial has shown that barycytinib can accelerate recovery.

In patients with severe Covid-19 disease, a clinical trial has shown that barycytinib can accelerate recovery. A loan… Ariana Dressler for The New York Times.

Adding an arthritis drug called barycytinib to the Covid-19 treatment regimen, which includes an antiviral remixivir, could reduce recovery time by a day or more, especially for the critically ill, according to a study released Friday.

The results of a government-sponsored clinical trial were released more than three weeks after the FDA granted emergency approval for the use of the drug for double treatment.

Earlier this month, some experts said they felt uncomfortable using these drugs without being able to verify basic data to support their performance. Last month the World Health Organization also recommended that Remdezivir should not be used to treat patients with Covid-19 because there is no evidence for its use.

The limited results were previously reported in the media and showed that hospitalized patients treated with barycytinib and Remedyvir recovered one day faster than patients receiving only Remedyvir.

Some questioned the introduction of combination therapy, given the high cost of barycytinib – which can be about $1,500 per patient – and mentioned side effects such as clots. Several doctors also asked whether barycytinib should be added because steroids such as dexamethasone are cheap and widely available. Both barycytinib and dexamethasone are believed to work by suppressing the excessive inflammation that causes many serious cases of Covida-19.

A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine adds a little more granularity to the results and shows that some patient groups have benefited much more from the addition of barycytinib than others.

More than 1,000 Covid-19 patients participated in the study, all of whom received Remdivir. People who were ill enough to require a high dose of supplemental oxygen or non-invasive form of lung ventilation recovered eight days faster when barycytinib was added to their treatment.

Iowa-CITI, Iowa – The vaccine arrived in a FedEx refrigerated truck at the University of Iowa Hospital at 7:30 a.m. just before the first dose was given by hand to 39-year-old nurse David Conway.

I’m not nervous. I’m very excited, he said afterwards. I’ve been looking forward to the vaccine since March.

Mr. Conway, who works directly with Covid-19 patients, said the injection was painless, but that he got it early at the weekend in case there were any short-term side effects. Some clinical subjects have reported not feeling well for a day or two, and Mr. Conway is not expected to return to work until Saturday.

I’m looking forward to having my wife and children vaccinated, he said.

The vaccination will continue for 130 people on Monday until the 975 doses are exhausted, the hospital’s director general, Suresh Gunaseqaran, said. Each receiver is then monitored for 15 minutes to observe allergic reactions.

Gunasekaran said the hospital would eventually vaccinate the 17,000 employees, but did not know when Pfizer’s next shipment would arrive. If a similar vaccine is approved from Moderna, the hospital expects to have access to many more doses, he said.

Mr. Conway wore a street dress, a mask and a plastic shield and stated that being shot was no excuse to stop wearing a mask, washing his hands often or keeping his social distance. I won’t do anything else until everyone’s vaccinated, he said.

The families of the deceased victims of Kovid-19 use obituaries to release their feelings about the pandemic.

Burial at Adolf’s funeral home and crematorium in Willowbrook, Il. The families of the 19 deceased Kovid victims use the obituaries to express their feelings about the pandemic. A loan… Lucy Hewett before New York time.

On Sunday, the coronavirus mortality rate in the United States approached 300,000, comparable to the loss of the entire population of Pittsburgh or St. Petersburg. Reports of new deaths have more than doubled in the past month, averaging nearly 2,400 per day, more than anywhere else in the pandemic.

Deaths are announced in the traditional way, in obituaries and advertisements on websites and in newspapers that have had the same format for decades, mentioning places of birth, family members, work and passion.

But in recent months, as the number of coronavirus deaths in the United States continues to rise, families who have lost loved ones to the disease are increasingly writing about the pandemic in funeral announcements they submit to funeral homes and in articles they share with the editors of newspaper obituaries.

These include calls for wearing masks, accusations against those who think the virus is deceptive, and details of the loneliness and physical suffering caused by the coronavirus in the dying.

Lida Barker, 92, a long-term resident of Gary, India, died on December 20. November, after she was infected with the coronavirus in the nursing home where she lived. Her death shook her children, three sisters who met on the Zoom phone in the days after her death to write an obituary.

They had difficulty formulating the reference to the coronavirus and were satisfied with it: Please wear a mask to commemorate her in public and take Covid-19 seriously. It’s real, it accelerated his death.

For decades, families have often refused to write in an obituary how their loved ones died when they fell victim to anxiety or fear, whether it was AIDS, an opiate overdose or suicide. But as the public became more aware of previously unknown infectious diseases, mental illnesses and addictions, the tendency to hide gradually gave way to openness.

And as funerals are postponed and often take place without public proclamation or commemorative words, obituaries are becoming more and more important – it is the family’s turn to communicate its own unfiltered message to society.

Dr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansa, 42, an emergency physician at UPMK Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, gives the signal for approval upon receipt of the first dose of Pfizer BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine on Monday.

Dr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansa, 42, an emergency physician at UPMK Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, gave her consent upon receipt of her first dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine on Monday. credit. Christian Thacker for the New York Times.

PITTSBURG – For everything that was announced as the end of a year of suffering and death, the operation was surprisingly banal. A little blood here and there, then a little chat and some cotton swabs, and the first Covida 19 vaccination outside the clinical trials was given in Pittsburgh.

UMC Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital received extensive care from four different hospitals in the city, all between the ages of 29 and 67: a nurse-therapist, an outpatient doctor, an intensive care nurse, a porter and an environmental inspector.

Some of them mentioned at a press conference the considerations and procedures that led them to become the first – and certainly the oldest – beneficiaries of the city.

African Americans have been hard hit by the consequences of Covid-19, said Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, 42, an ambulance doctor, a black woman. I wanted to let my community know that this vaccine is necessary to protect us, to keep us healthy and alive. And I wanted to set an example, not only for my family, but also for society.

Tami Miniera, a nurse and head of quality assurance at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, compared the schedule with the introduction of the polio vaccine: Over 65 years ago, on the 12th. In April 1955, she says, Dr. Jonas Salk took some of these steps. And we all know how well it’s done to mankind. Dr. Salk was a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh.

The hospital received 975 doses of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday, the hospital staff said, and two weeks later the recipients will receive a second injection.

Dr Graham Snyder, medical director of infection control and epidemiology at the hospital, said he believed that the entire staff of the WSPU – some 60,000 people in the front line of the network – could be vaccinated within a few months.

Annie Innes, 90, received her coronavirus photo on Monday at the Abercorn House Care Home in Hamilton, West Scotland.

Annie Innes, 90 years old, was photographed on Monday at the Abercorn House nursing home in Hamilton, West Scotland. A loan… Photo of Russell Shane’s pool

Less than a week after the UK began introducing the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus syringe – the first country in the world to introduce a fully tested vaccine – primary care physicians in England will begin offering doses to their patients.

According to the National Health Service, from Monday onwards, vaccinations will be carried out by groups of physicians in more than 100 vaccination centres in villages, towns and communities. Injections remain a priority and as the programme expands across the country, staff and residents of nursing homes and people aged 80 and over will be among the first in the series.

Doctors, known as general practitioners in the UK, face the great challenge of running a mass vaccination programme while providing patients with their usual services, according to Professor Martin Marshall, President of the Royal College of General Practitioners, in a statement.

But primary care physicians play an important role in the introduction of other vaccines, such as seasonal flu, and Professor Marshall said: We want to use this experience to protect people from Covid-19 and let them return to normal.

Since the start of the campaign last Tuesday, tens of thousands of vaccines have been administered in British hospitals. But the country has only received a first batch of 800,000 doses – enough to vaccinate 400,000 people – because each person needs two doses – and it is not yet known when more will be available. Britain has a population of about 66 million people.

Vaccinations will also begin in nursing homes later this week, the health service announced this after finalizing a strict dosing policy. In the coming months, other doctors and pharmacies in the country will gradually join the programme, the medical service added, urging patients not to ask for a vaccine because the doctors will contact the members of the priority groups directly to offer them an injection.

The vaccination programme is being introduced as the number of cases in the UK continues to rise, with 18,447 new Sunday infections and 144 deaths, according to the Times database. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been a total of about 1.8 million cases and about 64,000 deaths.

The growth of bicycle culture in the Philippines, as a result of limited transport during the pandemic, is pushing policy and infrastructure towards a more bicycle-friendly country.

Cycling along the road, next to public and private transport, without bike path in the EDSA, Makati, 27 years old. October 2020. The growth of bicycle culture in the Philippines, as a result of limited transport during the pandemic, is pushing policy and infrastructure towards a more bicycle-friendly country…Credit…Kimberly Dela Cruz for the New York Times….

While the need for social distance is forcing governments around the world to economize on public transport, city dwellers are jumping on bicycles instead. Global bicycle sales have increased so much that even Giant, the world’s largest bicycle manufacturer, is struggling to meet its orders.

The cyclical increase in Manila is remarkable because the Philippines not only has one of the highest rates of coronavirus infections in Asia – over 445,000 according to the New York Times database – but also one of the highest rates of urban congestion in the region.

Last year, a study by the Asian Development Bank found that the metropolis of Manila, which is about six times the size of Paris, is the most densely populated of the 24 cities in South and Southeast Asia surveyed. The Japanese development agency estimates the cost of transport to Manila’s economy at more than $72 million, or 3.5 billion Philippine pesos a day.

The subway in Manila was closed in March as part of President Rodrigo Duterte’s wider blockade of Luzon, the country’s most densely populated island. When home reservations arrived a few months later, public transport was still working with limited capacity.

Instead, some buses and trains started to run. But for many inhabitants of Manila, walking or cycling is the only way to get to work.

Cycling on the unpaved roads of Manila may be dangerous, partly because some motorists see cyclists as obstacles. The sidewalks are also often full of street vendors and makeshift parking spaces. According to official figures, 19 people died last year in connection with bicycles in the district of the capital Manila. By comparison, New York officials counted 28.

Since June, the government has gradually relaxed restrictions on public transport in Metro Manila. But today, many people who come to work on bicycles and in some streets of the city centre, where vegetables and electronics used to be sold, are filled with bicycles and accessories for sale.

The bicycle boom prompted Philippine officials to announce in August a plan to build a 400-mile network of bicycle lanes that would be financed by a pandemic stimulus fund.

As of Monday, New York restaurants will be forbidden to eat indoors again.

Joey Fortunato (right) is the chef in the kitchen of the Extra Virgin in the West Village on Friday night. Early Monday, lunch will be banned again from New York City restaurants. A loan… Sarah Blaisener for the New York Times.

A coronavirus surgeon had the Andrew M. Cuomo government banned dinners in New York restaurants, which took effect Monday. Thousands of restaurants are now facing an uncertain future as they prepare for the brutal winter months that business could face.

The city’s restaurants lay off waiters, waitresses and bartenders, disrupt workers’ lives and cause another setback for New York’s economic recovery. Some restaurants will be completely closed during the season.

Closing indoor restaurants in the winter, when outdoor dining is less convenient, is an extremely difficult financial situation, said Andrew Rigi, executive director of the New York Hospitality Alliance. He added that many of them had fewer resources than in the first months of the pandemic.

Although Mayor Bill de Blacio was optimistic about the inoculation, he warned that the city would have difficult weeks and months ahead in the light of a second wave of the pandemic. On Monday, he said the average positive test result over seven days was 5.5%, while the average rate of hospitalization was 2.73 per 100,000 people.

Cuomo said the number of hospital stays in the city is currently increasing at a rate that could lead to further insignificant business closures. In an interview on Friday, he said the city could be closed on a large scale within a month.

On Monday, De Blacio quoted the governor’s words and advised New Yorkers to prepare for the occasion.

We have to acknowledge that this can happen, he said about the closure, and we have to prepare for it now.

A survey conducted by the New York State Restaurant Association of 6,000 New York State restaurateurs found that more than half of them said their restaurants would probably not be operational for six months without state support. The survey showed that 78 % of the respondents expect further redundancies in the next three months.

Energy efficient customer service has given many restaurants a sense of normalcy, but it’s not over to catch up with the pandemic, said Jonathan Forgash, general manager of the Queens Restaurant Group Together.

Cece Kassa, owner of the Ethiopian restaurant Lalibela in Harlem: Nobody’s gonna make a profit now. He’ll just survive.

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